Fall Care for Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are one of the most popular blooming plants. And for good reason! Their spectacular white, blue, pink or red flowers provide a splash of color to the landscape. Most varieties are super long-blooming, offering months and months of stunning flowers. Hydrangeas are easy to care for. There are a couple tricks to making sure…

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Mature shrub with large green leaves and masses of big, pink and blue flowers in flower bed next to houses
Person raking brown and yellow leaves in lawn with red rake

Raking Leaves Not as Good as Mowing Them!

Next to pulling weeds, raking leaves is probably our least favorite garden task. But wait! The fallen leaves can actually be a great benefit to your lawn. Instead of raking, bagging and disposing of the leaves, use a mulching mower and turn the leaves into compost. Benefits of Mulching Leaves – What’s not to Love?…

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