Ground Cover Plants

Showing 25–36 of 100 results

Showing 25–36 of 100 results

Sometimes it’s easy to overlook the little things, even in the garden. The low-growers, creepers and spreaders are often an afterthought, but the lower level of a landscape should not be so easily overlooked! Ground cover ties beauty and functionality to a garden design. Better yet, you can be totally creative with it. In addition to the go-to ground cover favorites, such as periwinkle, ivy and pachysandra, there are many other options that offer low-lying color, texture and seasonal interest to pull your plan together!

Ground cover can unify elements of your design by carpeting the ground with a uniform texture or adding a punch of color to an otherwise sedate grouping of shrubs or trees. In addition to added aesthetic value, groundcover can also solve common yard problems. It helps control runoff or erosion, especially on a bank or slope. The roots can stabilize soil by forming a matrix that helps hold soil in place. Planting a groundcover as connection between garden groupings also can decrease the need for regular mowing. A thick covering of some beautiful plants can also help crowd out weeds, making your maintenance tasks a bit easier. Ground cover also provides a bounty of rewards including berries which are great for foraging birds as well as people and protective cover for small animals.

One you establish your garden goals, cover some ground by thinking outside the box.